DBA AAR 24.09.2013: Gauls versus Ancient British

This is an AAR betweel Gauls and Ancient British using the DBA 2.2 rules.

This was a solo DBA battle in which i controlled both sides and i played as objectively as possible (especially as i actually plan a Roman army as i am a fanboy).


I began by generating the terrain on which the battle will be fought. The Gauls win the aggression role and become the invaders in this scenario (the Gauls have Aggression 3 and the Ancient British 0 so it was expected). The terrain is formed out of 1 formation of Impassible Terrain (bottom left), 2 forests, a hill (centrally placed) and a road.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

First the defender places his camp. I do not have anything prepared (but there will be an article about making up a Camp out of a plastic sprue and some matches) so i used 3 blue match boxes. I placed the camp near the british side forest because it seemed easy to defend.
Next followed the Gallic Camp. The reasoning was that the British army will be superior on the flanks because of cavalry so i avoided the right side of the map.
On to army placement! As defenders the Ancient British place first. Their army is:

1 x LCh (General)
2 x LCh
2 x 2LH
5 x 3Wb
2 x 2Ps

The Psiloi have been deployed in front of the forest so they can rapidly advance and obtain the Bad Going supremacy (forests are “rough” or “bad going” terrain while open fields are ‘good going” which means no obstacles) trying to profit on the Warband rule (pursue any enemy which it engages and beats) to slow down any infantry flanking force. The 2 Light Chariots went on the flank so that they can try to exploit any breach together with the Psiloi. With my Warbands i formed an advancing line towards the center of the map (dominated by the hill) with my General in the middle. The 2 units of Light Horse were placed on the other flank hoping to be thrown forward as fast as they can.

The Gallic troops followed. Their army is:

1 x 3Wb (General)
8 x 3Wb
1 x 2Ps
2 x 3Cv

I stretched the Gaul line to the maximum so i can profit from turn 1 (invader gets to move first) to advance as much as possible and deny the flanks sustaining the army on the 2 forests. The Psiloi will advance into the woods and will try to keep the enemy Psiloi pinned. The Cavalry is on the flank to prevent any breakthrough. Theoretically the Gauls should held the supremacy in the center however any cavalry breach can be dangerous because the Camp is worth 2 points (the game ends when someone gets to 4 points, each unit being worth 1 point or when any force kills the enemy general and has more units then the enemy).

Now the Ancient British have the option to move 2 pairs of units between them, as a defender bonus. I chose not to do any change in the battleline.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 1 Gauls

The Gauls get 4 PIP’s.

All the infantry moves forward towards the hill (1 PIP). The Cavalry moves on the flank to anchor itself on the forest (1 PIP). The Psiloi move forward (1 PIP) and being the 1st turn they have the right to move again (1 PIP).

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 1 Ancient British

The Ancient British get 4 PIP’s.

All the infantry moves forward towards the hill (1 PIP). The 2 LCh go around the forest and secure the breach (1 PIP). The Psiloi double move (their turn 1) and position themselves in front of the Gallic Psiloi (1 PIP), forcing an attack next turn.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British
DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British
Rigth flank after Turn 1.

Turn 2 Gauls

The Gauls get 2 PIP’s.

The Psiloi go in trying to force a positive result (1 PIP). The warband line advances on the hill (1 PIP).
In combat the Psiloi draw and the forces remain where they are.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 1 Ancient British

The Ancient British get 3 PIP’s.

The LH units move on the flank (1 PIP) to begin harassing. The LH can’t be destroyed by Warbands even on a double and the Warbands are forced to pursue so LH are excellent to break the perfectly organized Gallic line. The general and its warband units move towards the hill (1 PIP). Psiloi number 2 that were overlapping the Gallic Psiloi flank them (1 PIP).
In combat the Ancient British Psiloi roll low and it is again a draw.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 3 Gauls

The Gauls get 2 PIP’s.

The warband line moves further on the hill (1 PIP) and then double up their move (1 PIP) to engage the LH units on the right flank. This was possible because Warbands can make a second move in the same turn if that second move takes them into combat with an enemy.
In combat the Gallic Psiloi are beaten and run but because they were flanked they are destroyed. Also a LH unit is “doubled” (meaning the gallic unit had a combat score twice as big as theirs, 8 to 4 in this case) and flees (makes a recoil and then a flee move) but the second unit draws its opponent and holds on.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British
DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 3 Ancient British

The Ancient British get 4 PIP’s.

This is the long waited moment. The Ancient British line double moves and engages the Gallic line (2 PIP). The Psiloi from the forest align to start flanking in support (2 PIP).
In combat the LH unit on the flank unexpectedly doubles the Warband unit that it was fighting tipping the point balance at 2-0 for Ancient British. The general defeats the Gallic general and pushes it back, the same happening all along the line except the left flank where the last british Warband gets doubled and destroyed (it was flanked).
To be noted is the fact that the British line is now broken due to all the warbands that were forced to pursue while the Light Chariot general remained on the spot.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 4 Gauls

The Gauls get 3 PIP’s.

One warband flanks the Ancient British line (1 PIP). The 2 left flank Warbands align together against the LH unit (2 PIP) however i realize to late that the +1 Support does not apply against LH.
In combat the LH actually beats the 2 units of Warbands and pushes them back. The Ancient British flank holds and pushes back the Gallic unit from the front but being flanked i turned it on the spot, engaging the flanker now head on (it was the most realistic thing to do as it was not specified in the rules). The Ancient British also lose a doubled unit and the line breaks into individual fights.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British
DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Turn 4 Ancient British

The Ancient British get 4 PIP’s.

The 2 LH units charge the Warbands on the left flank (2 PIP).

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

The General charges the Warband unit next to the Gallic general (1 PIP) and one unit of Psiloi moves in to overlap another Gallic warband already engaged to the front (1 PIP). This turn looks very good for the Ancient British which are already at an advantage.
In combat the 2 units of Warbands are pushed back by the Light Horse (should have been destroyed as they were flanked? it’s possible i missed this while playing and taking pictures). Then the General doubles its enemy (another point) and on the right flank the Gallic Warband flanked by the Psiloi is beaten and destroyed. In this moment the battle ends because the Ancient British have destroyed 4 enemy units (scoring 4 points).

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

Here is the battlefield at the end of the hostilities. You can notice how the right flank has remained inactive after the forest was secured by the Ancient British. The battle was clearly won in the center and a major factor was the british general with a combat score of +4 against Gallic warbands that had +2.

DBA AAR Gauls versus Ancient British

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