1:100 Zis-5 – Zvezda 6124

Although not as glamorous as tanks, assault guns or tank hunters the trucks of any army are the true heroes of the war. The Russian Zis-5 proved to serve any role needed on the battlefield carrying ammunition, gasoline, troops, Katyusha batteries, food and basically everything else to the front line.Desi nu sunt la fel de celebre ca tancurile, tunurile de asalt sau vanatorii de tancuri, camioanele unei armate sunt adevaratii eroi ai unui razboi. Camionul rusesc Zis-5 s-a dovedit a fi util in orice rol necesar pe campul de lupta, carand munitie, benzina, trupe, baterii Katyusha si in principiu cam orice era nevoie pe front.


This is a wargaming kit made by Zvezda in the 1/100 scale (15mm). The box art is nice and the instructions on the back show that this model has 18 parts.

Zvezda Zis-5
Box front.
Zvezda  Zis-5
Box back.
Zvezda Zis-5
The sprue.

Assembly Process

We start with the truck’s cabin. Easy enough, it has only 3 pieces that snap together closely.

Zvezda Zis-5
Cabin parts.
Zvezda Zis-5
Cabin completed.

After that it’s time for the chassis and the running gear. For Zvezda kits this is a bit complicated however still easy by normal model standards.

Zvezda Zis-5
Running gear parts.

Better loosen up the wheels a bit to be sure that you don’t push them hard on the axles which will tend to break under pressure.

Zvezda Zis-5
Axles completed.
Zvezda Zis-5
Chassis completed.

After that mount the cabin carefully. Again, don’t force the chassis as that is the weak spot of this kit.

Zvezda Zis-5
Cabin mounted on chassis.

Next it will be the hard part. The motor covers. You need to carefully bend the covers and it is possible that you will break it. I managed to bend it bad on my first try however it was an easy fix after that and once you paint it no one will notice.

Zvezda Zis-5
Motor covers.

And finally add the storage area to the back of the truck.

Zvezda Zis-5
Truck storage area and cover.

And we are done!

Zvezda Zis-5
Zvezda Zis-5
Zvezda Zis-5


Plastic Quality 4.5 (Very Good) Very Good. Hard plastic. No flash.
Number of Details 4 (Good) Good detail.
Instructions 4 (Good) The instructions are clear and without fault.
Building Time 4 (Good) 15 minutes to build it.
Enjoyment 4 (Good) Nice job however a bit lengthy for Zvezda snap fit standards.

Do i need to say it? This is THE option if you need trucks in your Russian army. Fast to assemble, not complicated and cheap compared to all the metal that is out there.

Acesta este un kit de wargaming produs de Zvezda la scara 1/100 (15mm). Coperta are un artwork frumos si instructiunile de pe spatele cutiei ne arata ca acest model are 18 piese.

Zvezda Zis-5
Fata cutiei.
Zvezda  Zis-5
Spatele cutiei.
Zvezda Zis-5

Procesul de asamblare

Incepem cu cabina camionului. Extrem de usor de montat, din doar 3 piese care se imbina foarte bine.

Zvezda Zis-5
Piesele cabinei.
Zvezda Zis-5
Cabina completa.

Apoi urmeaza sasiul. Pentru un kit Zvezda acesta este destul de complicat dar pentru standarde normale este in continuare usor de montat.

Zvezda Zis-5
Roti si sasiu.

Cel mai bine largiti putin gaura din mijlocul rotilor ca sa fiti siguri ca nu impingeti prea tare piesele pe axul lor riscand sa le rupeti.

Zvezda Zis-5
Axele complete.
Zvezda Zis-5
Sasiu complet.

Apoi montam cabina peste sasiu. Nu fortati sasiul pentru ca riscati sa il rupeti.

Zvezda Zis-5
Cabina montata pe sasiu.

Urmeaza partea mai grea. Acoperitoarele motorului. Trebuie sa le indoiti cu atentie si este foarte posibil sa le rupeti. Eu am reusit sa le indoi mai mult decat trebuia din prima incercare insa se rezolva destul de usor iar dupa vopsire nici nu se va observa.

Zvezda Zis-5
Acoperitoarele motorului.

Si in sfarsit adaugati spatiul de depozitare pe partea din spate a camionului.

Zvezda Zis-5
Zona de depozitare a camionului si prelata.

Si am terminat!

Zvezda Zis-5
Zvezda Zis-5
Zvezda Zis-5


Calitatea Plasticului 4.5 (Foarte Bine) Plastic “tare” fara flash.
Detalii 4 (Bine) Un nivel bun de detaliu.
Instructiuni 4 (Bine) Instructiunile sunt clare si usor de urmat.
Timp de Constructie 4 (Bine) Dureaza 15 minute.
Nivel de Satisfactie 4 (Bine) Putin cam de lunga durata pentru un kit Zvezda, dar foarte ok in general.

Mai e nevoie sa o zic? Aceasta este optiunea cea mai buna daca aveti nevoie de camioane pentru armata Sovietica. Rapid ca asamblare, necomplicat si ieftin comparativ cu modelele de metal disponibile pe piata.

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